InterPhace - 빠른 �?응, 논리적 인 사고 및 �?�바른 판단에 �?존�?는 실시간 멀티 플레이어 퍼즐 게임.
이것은 업그레이드 된 버전 인 Interphace-Firewall (Nokia OVI App Stores에서 사용 가능)과 완전히 �?��?�?는 새 버전입니다.
세 가지 게임 모드가 있습니다.
싱글 플레이어 - 표준, 20 초 게임에서 당신과 전화를합니다. 각 레벨, CPU가 더 �?��?�해지며 인터프리는 더 복잡해집니다.
핫 시트 멀티 플레이 - 두 사람이 같은 전화를 사용�?여 서로 대결 할 �? 있습니다.
핫 시트 멀티 플레이 - 두 명�? 플레이어가 블루투스를 통해 서로 도전합니다.
게임 플레이
시간 제한이 만료�?기 전에 인터 �?이스를 해킹 한 첫 번째 플레이어가 게임에서 이기고 상대방을 공격합니다. 이 게임을 통해 3 초간 게임을 평가�?고 게임을 시작할 �? 있습니다.
The InterPhace is split into three parts;-
There are eleven ports in an InterPhace. A player takes control of these by activating a pathway, which is attached to the port. The port turns that player's colour once it's been activated. The player controlling the most ports at the end of the time limit wins.
These pathways make up most of the InterPhace. They carry the signal from the Player's Process Units to the Port. A pathway can split, which means that one process unit could effect more than one Port, or it could join with another pathway, meaning that more than One Process Unit will be needed to effect a single port. These splits and joins can add up to make the InterPhace very complex indeed. There is no guarantee that each side will be equal with the number of Splits and Joins.
Process Units
These are the player-controlled pieces. The player uses them to select the pathway they wish to activate. A Process Unit and Pathway will stay active for 2 seconds allowing an opponent to counter. In the Basic game, a player has 4 of these units but in the Standard and Advanced versions, this may vary.
Either control them using the joystick or the 4 key to move left, 6 key to move right and 5 key to activate.
There are different themes to choose from and different characters to play.
This version now supports Rumble X.
A quick note about the Nokia N80/N90 and other large screens
Versions of Interphace for these phones can be found at the Interphace website
A quick Note about the Motorola Version.
If the Phone you have does not support JSR-82, then Interphace will not run on your phone. The Bluetooth works but can only be described as `a bit flakey` on Motorola phones as opposed to the other makes.
If your Phone does not support JSR-82
- 홈페이지
- Java
- Nokia 7230
- InterPhace
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